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Commodore BASIC  |  2023-02-26  |  4KB  |  49 lines

  1. 0 gosub44:dimqt$(100,1):ct=1:rt$=chr$(13)
  2. 1 poke53281,0:poke53280,0:poke646,13:print"[147]                    [146]":print" <<< quiz  time >>> [146]":print"                    [146]":print"[158] 1 [146]  prepare a quiz [146]":print"[158] 2 [146]  load a quiz [146]":print"[158] 3 [146]  save a quiz [146]"
  3. 2 print"[158] 4 [146]  disk directory [146]":print"[158] 5 [146]  quit program [146]":print" select option [146]"
  4. 3 geta$:ifa$="1"thengoto9
  5. 4 ifa$="2"thengoto13
  6. 5 ifa$="3"thengoto21
  7. 6 ifa$="4"thengoto23
  8. 7 ifa$="5"thengoto24
  9. 8 goto3:end
  10. 9 print"[147]                                        [146]";:print" < question please  then press return > [146]";:print"                                        [146]";:print"[153]        up to 80 characters only        [146]";:print" question number [146] : ";" [157]";ct;"[157] [146]"
  11. 10 poke19,1:inputqt$(ct,0):poke19,0:print"":print"                                        [146]";:print" < answer please    then press return > [146]";:print"                                        [146]";:print"[153]        up to 80 characters only        [146]";
  12. 11 print" answer number [146] : ";" [157]";ct;"[157] [146]":poke19,1:inputqt$(ct,1):poke19,0:print"[147]                        [146]":print" < any more questions > [146]  y / n":print"                        [146]":gosub26:ifa$="y"thenct=ct+1:ifct<100thengoto9
  13. 12 gosub42:goto1
  14. 13 sc=0:qt=0:print"[147][153]                                  [146]":print" << enter quiz filename please >> [146]":print"                                  [146]":poke19,1:inputnm$:poke19,0:print"[147]                                     [146]"
  15. 14 print" <<< is disk drive ready to load >>> [146]":print"                                     [146]":gosub43:gosub28:print"[147] loading quiz [146] : ";nm$:open1,8,0,nm$:open15,8,15:gosub46:input#1,ct:forl1=1toct:forl2=0to1:input#1,qt$(l1,l2):next:next:close1:close15:print"[147] ready to go  !!!!!! [146]"
  16. 15 gosub43:gosub28:ti$="000000"
  17. 16 print"[147][153] score is [146] :";sc;"      out of [146] :";qt:print" time taken is [146] : ";:tm$=ti$:printmid$(tm$,1,2)+":"+mid$(tm$,3,2)+":"+mid$(tm$,5,2):qt=qt+1:print" question [146] :";qt:rd=int(rnd(1)*ct)+1:print"";qt$(rd,0):print" answer please [146]":input"";an$
  18. 17 ifan$=qt$(rd,1)thenprint"[153] you are correct [146]":sc=sc+1:goto30
  19. 18 print"[153] you are wrong [146] !!":goto36
  20. 19 print"[147] another question [146] y / n":gosub26:ifa$="y"then16
  21. 20 print"[147]":print"[147][153] score is [146] :";sc;"      out of [146] :";qt:print" time taken was [146] : "ti$:gosub43:gosub28:goto1
  22. 21 print"[147][153]                                  [146]":print" << enter quiz filename please >> [146]":print"                                  [146]":poke19,1:inputnm$:poke19,0:print"[147]                                     [146]":print" <<< is disk drive ready to save >>> [146]"
  23. 22 print"                                     [146]":gosub43:gosub28:print"[147] saving quiz [146] : ";nm$:open1,8,1,nm$:print#1,ct;rt$:forl1=1toct:forl2=0to1:print#1,qt$(l1,l2)rt$:next:next:close1:goto1
  24. 23 print"[147]":sys828:gosub43:gosub28:goto1
  25. 24 print"[147] are you sure [146] y / n":gosub26:ifa$="n"thengoto1
  26. 25 sys64738
  27. 26 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then26
  28. 27 return
  29. 28 getkp$:ifkp$=""then28
  30. 29 return
  31. 30 onrnd(1)*5+1gosub31,32,33,34,35:goto19
  32. 31 print"okay, take some applause":gosub43:gosub28:goto19
  33. 32 print"think you are great i suppose":gosub43:gosub28:goto19
  34. 33 print"something special":gosub43:gosub28:goto19
  35. 34 print"big head or what":gosub43:gosub28:goto19
  36. 35 print"sensational, take a apple":gosub43:gosub28:goto19
  37. 36 onrnd(1)*5+1gosub37,38,39,40,41:goto19
  38. 37 print"what a burk !!!":gosub43:gosub28:goto19
  39. 38 print"are you daft or something":gosub43:gosub28:goto19
  40. 39 print"just no answer to that":gosub43:gosub28:goto19
  41. 40 print"give me a break will you":gosub43:gosub28:goto19
  42. 41 print"where are you coming from":gosub43:gosub28:goto19
  43. 42 print"[147]please choose [158] option 3 [146] in the menu to":print"save your quiz.":gosub43:gosub28:return
  44. 43 print"[158] press any key [146]":return
  45. 44 restore:fordi=828to932:readda:pokedi,da:nextdi:return:data169,36,133,251,169,251,133,187:data169,0,133,188,169,1,133,183:data169,8,133,186,169,96,133,185:data32,213,243,165,186,32,180,255:data165,185,32,150,255,169,0,133:data144,160,3,132,251,32,165,255:data133,252,164,144,208,47,32,165
  46. 45 data255,164,144,208,40,164,251,136:data208,233,166,252,32,205,189,169:data40,32,210,255,32,165,255,166:data144,208,18,170,240,6,32,210:data255,76,136,3,169,13,32,210:data255,160,2,208,198,32,66,246,96
  47. 46 input#15,e,e$,t,s:ife<20thenreturn
  48. 47 close1:close15:print"[147]":print"";e;"[157] ";e$;t;"[157]";s;"[157] [146]":print"[158] << see directory for correct name >> [146]":forde=0to1000:nextde:run